NC LEAF Board of Directors 2023-2024
Michael David Waters, President
District Attorney
11th Prosecutorial District
Stella A. Boswell, Secretary
Associate Dean of Public Interest and Pro Bono
Duke University School of Law
William W. Pollock, Treasurer
Ragsdale Liggett, PLLC
Hon. Willis P. Whichard
Tillman, Whichard & Cagle, PLLC
John I. Mabe, Jr.
Maynard Nexsen
William R. Purcell, II
Law Office of William R. Purcell, II, PLLC
John Ahlers
Senior Director of Financial Aid
Duke University School of Law
Alan D. Woodlief, Jr.
Senior Associate Dean
Elon University School of Law
April Marie Giancola
Asst. Dean of Career Services & Professional Development
Campbell University School of Law
Eric Zogry
State Juvenile Defender
North Carolina Office of the Juvenile Defender
Jonathan Perry
Managing Attorney
Legal Aid of North Carolina’s Foothills Office
Jim Grant
Assistant Appellate Defender
North Carolina Office of the Appellate Defender